A centrifuge is a laboratory device that is used for the separation of fluids, gas or liquid, based on density. Separation is achieved by spinning a vessel containing material at high speed; the centrifugal force pushes heavier materials to the outside of the vessel
There are multiple types of centrifuge, which can be classified by intended use or by rotor design
Refrigerated Laboratory Centrifuge
Refrigerated centrifuges are used for samples that need a consistent range of temperature. With such centrifuges therefore; it is essential that they run at maximum speeds while still maintaining a consistent temperature. For the most part, the temperature range of refrigerated centrifuges is between -20 and -40c. This range makes them ideal for the analysis of DNA, RNA, PCR and antibodies.
Axelcon offering you the solution for automated process control. Start stop instructions can be given through HMI. PID can maintain temperature automatically. The rotating time of rotor is settable. Velocity and temperature can be monitored on screen.